

 毎年のことではありますが、皆様の太陽光発電所でも草木が元気に成長しております。 今年も草刈りや除草について考える季節になりました。8月に入ると暑いだけでなくスズメバチの凶暴化もあるので、梅雨明けの草刈りはなるべく7月中にご用命下さい。


弊社では年2回の草刈りを推奨しております。 一回目の草刈は4~5月ちょうど今頃、二回目は7月頃です。三回目にやる場合は晩秋がお勧めです。 草が伸びる前に、早めの予約をお勧め致します。 先ずは、お気軽に電話またはメールでご連絡下さい。

近隣に農地などがない場合には、除草剤散布にて1年に一回で済むオプションも用意しております。 こちらも併せてご検討下さい。


 価格は低圧1区画 30,000円 〜 80,000円


電気や太陽光発電専門業者以外の草刈りによってケーブルの切断やパネルの損壊などの事象が多発しております(シルバー事案)。 切断事故後に弊社などに連絡が来て、改めて修理するという流れになるので余計な費用や売電機会の損失に繋がっています。 太陽光発電所の草刈りは是非、専門業者へご依頼下さい。 万が一の際にも責任を持って迅速に修理交換を行います。 同時に草刈り作業時に設備の目視点検も行います。 (本格的な点検は内容により別途料金がかかります。 弊社メンテナンスパックにご加入の場合は追加料金は発生致しません。)

平成29年4月1日より太陽光発電所のメンテナンスとフェンスの設置が義務化されております。 既存案件に関してもフェンス設置の義務が加わっておりますので注意が必要です。 放置すると認定取り消しなどの罰則が適用される恐れもあるので早めの対応が大切です。


メンテナンスに関する相談、フェンス設置のお見積に関しては、いつでもお気軽にご一報下さい。 群馬近県(埼玉、栃木、茨城、福島、長野など)が対応エリアです。

370-0831 群馬県高崎市あら町129-1 3F
TEL/FAX: 027-381-6583








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Powering AI with the Sun: A DC-Coupled Semi-Standalone Solar Solution for GW-Scale Data Centers

 The integration of GW-scale PV plants with AI data centers through a DC-coupled semi-standalone architecture offers a compelling solution that not only addresses energy demands but also alleviates concerns about grid stability and peak hour stress. The modular design, consisting of mega DC units with module-level optimizers, aligns perfectly with the requirements of both solar power generation and AI workloads.

Here's why this approach is even more promising within the DC-coupled semi-standalone framework:

  1. Grid Independence and Stability: The semi-standalone nature of the system means it operates primarily on the generated solar power, with the grid serving as a backup or supplemental source. This significantly reduces the strain on the utility grid, especially during peak hours when demand is highest.

  2. Peak Shaving and Load Management: The system can be designed to prioritize self-consumption of solar energy, storing excess power in batteries for later use. This peak shaving capability further minimizes reliance on the grid during peak demand periods, enhancing grid stability.

  3. Reduced conversion Losses: By directly coupling the solar generation and data center loads in a DC architecture, conversion losses associated with AC/DC conversion are minimized, leading to increased overall efficiency.

  4. Enhanced Resilience: In the event of grid outages, the semi-standalone system can continue to operate, providing uninterrupted power to the data center. This resilience is crucial for maintaining critical AI operations.

  5. Flexibility and Control: The modular design allows for precise control and optimization of energy flows between the solar plant, batteries, and data center. This flexibility ensures efficient resource utilization and maximizes the benefits of the DC-coupled architecture.

Additional Considerations:

  • Energy Management System: A sophisticated energy management system (EMS) is essential to coordinate the various components of the system, optimize energy flows, and manage battery charge/discharge cycles effectively.

In conclusion, the combination of GW-scale PV plants, DC-coupled architecture, and semi-standalone operation presents a compelling solution for powering AI data centers. This approach not only addresses the energy needs sustainably but also enhances grid stability, minimizes peak hour stress, and offers increased resilience in the face of grid disturbances. As the technology continues to mature and costs decrease, this model is likely to become increasingly prevalent in the future of energy-intensive computing.




  • 系統からの独立性と安定性: システムがセミスタンドアローンであるということは、主に発電された太陽光エネルギーで動作し、電力系統はバックアップまたは補助的な電源として機能することを意味します。これにより、特に需要が最も高いピーク時の電力系統への負担を大幅に軽減できます。

  • ピークカットと負荷管理: システムは、太陽光エネルギーの自家消費を優先し、余剰電力をバッテリーに蓄えて後で使用するように設計することができます。このピークカット機能により、ピーク需要時の電力系統への依存をさらに最小限に抑え、電力系統の安定性を向上させます。

  • 変換損失の低減: 太陽光発電とデータセンターの負荷をDCアーキテクチャで直接結合することにより、AC/DC変換に伴う変換損失を最小限に抑え、全体的な効率を向上させます。

  • 耐障害性の向上: 電力系統の停電が発生した場合でも、セミスタンドアローンシステムは継続して動作し、データセンターに電力を供給することができます。この耐障害性は、重要なAI運用を維持するために不可欠です。

  • 柔軟性と制御: モジュール設計により、太陽光発電プラント、バッテリー、データセンター間のエネルギーフローを正確に制御し、最適化することができます。この柔軟性により、効率的なリソース活用を保証し、DC結合アーキテクチャの利点を最大限に引き出すことができます。


  • エネルギー管理システム: 洗練されたエネルギー管理システム(EMS)は、システムの様々なコンポーネントを調整し、エネルギーフローを最適化し、バッテリーの充放電サイクルを効果的に管理するために不可欠です。



The Future of Data Centers: Powering AI with Solar, One Module at a Time

 The next generation of AI-driven data centers is on the horizon, and they're massive. We're talking about power demands ranging from hundreds of megawatts to a gigawatt. This poses a major challenge: most locations simply can't handle that kind of energy consumption.

Building in rural areas is out of the question, and even urban areas would need major grid upgrades, a process that could take 5-10 years or even more. So, how do we accelerate the deployment of these essential facilities? The answer lies in minimizing reliance on the grid and becoming self-sufficient in power generation.

DC Power: The Heart of AI

Data centers primarily run on computers (GPUs) and cooling systems, both of which require direct current (DC) electricity. This means we need DC power sources that aren't just high-capacity, but also easy to maintain. The ability to isolate sections for maintenance without shutting down the entire system, along with easy fault detection, are critical.

Modular Design: Building as You Go

Constructing facilities of this scale takes time. That's why a modular design is key. By building in units, we can bring sections online as they're completed, generating value sooner rather than later.

Bridging to the Grid: AC to DC

Integrating with the existing power grid will still be necessary, at least for backup or supplemental power. This means we need AC-powered DC power supplies that can be easily added or expanded as needed.

The Advantage: Speed and Flexibility

This approach offers a significant advantage: we can start construction and even begin operations before major grid upgrades are in place. This accelerates the deployment of critical AI infrastructure and gives us the flexibility to adapt to changing needs.

Solar Power: A Sustainable Solution

To achieve grid independence, solar power is a natural fit. By incorporating large-scale solar arrays, data centers can generate a significant portion of their own power, reducing their environmental footprint and ensuring reliable operation.

The Future is Now

The future of AI depends on our ability to build powerful data centers quickly and sustainably. By embracing modular design, DC power, and solar energy, we can overcome the challenges of power demand and accelerate the development of this crucial technology.

Contact us
Suomi Masuda s_masuda@i-s3.com












  • AIデータセンターは消費電力が非常に大きく、1GWに達する可能性がある。
  • このような大規模な電力消費は電力網に負担をかけ、データセンターの建設場所が限定される。(むしろ困難)
  • 柔軟性と持続可能性を確保するためには、電力網への依存を最小限に抑える必要がある。


  • コアユニット:
  • メガDCユニット:
  • データセンターへの電力供給:
  • 電力網との連携:


  • 容易なメンテナンス:
  • 出力の最適化:
  • 安全性:
  • 拡張性:
  • 段階的な導入:


  • 効率的な施工:
  • 汎用性:
  • グローバルな可能性:


  • 実績のある専門知識:
  • 技術や大規模施工への深い理解:
  • 未来志向:


Contact us
Suomi Masuda s_masuda@i-s3.com


Solar-Powered AI Data Centers: A Scalable, Sustainable Solution

The Challenge:

  • AI data centers are energy-intensive, with potential power consumption reaching 1GW.

  • This strains power grids, limiting where these centers can be built.

  • Reliance on the grid must be minimized for flexibility and sustainability.

Our Solution: Modular, DC-Coupled Solar Power Systems

  • Core Unit: 50-100kW DC-DC converter with the module-level optimization and monitoring for maximum efficiency and easy maintenance.

  • Mega DC Unit: Approximately 10 core units bundled with a DC-coupled battery system (4x the DC output).

  • Data Center Power: Mega DC units (individually or combined) power data center blocks.

  • Grid Integration: AC-powered DC charging system enables grid use when solar/battery power is insufficient.

Benefits for Data Centers:

  • Easy Maintenance: Module-level monitoring simplifies troubleshooting.

  • Optimized Output: Module-level optimization maximizes DC power generation.

  • Safety: Multi-layered protection with shutdown capabilities at module, converter, and Mega DC unit levels.

  • Scalability: DC-coupled design allows for easy expansion and maintenance.

  • Phased Implementation: Individual units can be powered up as they are completed, along with their connected computing resources.

Additional Advantages:

  • Efficient Construction: Standardized 100kW and Mega DC unit designs streamline installation.

  • Versatility: Units can be adapted for other commercial or residential applications.

  • Global Potential: DC unit design is universally applicable, reducing costs.

Why Choose Us:

  • Proven Expertise: Extensive experience in solar system design and installation.

  • Technology Familiarity: Deep understanding of module-level monitoring and optimization systems, along with strong supplier relationships.

  • Forward-Thinking: Focus on modular design, anticipating future data center needs and market expansion.

Let's Power the Future of AI, Together.

Contact us
Suomi Masuda s_masuda@i-s3.com


Green Computing for the Future of Machine Learning

 As the demand for machine learning continues to grow, it's crucial to consider not just energy efficiency but also the sources of our energy. While we've made significant strides in energy-saving technologies like liquid cooling, we believe there's more we can do. That's why we're championing the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems as the optimal energy source for machine learning.

Why Solar PV?

  • Cost-Effective and Ubiquitous: Solar PV is the most cost-effective energy source, available globally. Its integration with DC-driven battery systems and computers enhances efficiency, making it a perfect match for the power-hungry demands of machine learning.
  • Environmental Impact: By utilizing solar energy, we can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of data centers, especially those located in rural areas. These centers can be built with semi-standalone PV systems to minimize their environmental load.

Modular and Scalable Solutions

  • Modular Design: Just like GPU units, our PV systems are designed in modular form. This ensures maximum efficiency, easy and scalable installation, and smart maintenance.
  • Autonomous Control: Our systems are autonomously controlled, adjusting to the dynamic computational loads seamlessly. This guarantees optimal power utilization and stability.

Commitment to Green Energy

  • Sustainable Future: The energy demands for machine learning are becoming a significant part of our society's total energy consumption. We are committed to ensuring these demands are met sustainably.
  • On-Site Optimization: Our approach focuses on optimizing on-site power generation and storage, keeping your data centers green and efficient.

Join us in our commitment to a greener future, where cutting-edge machine learning technology and sustainable energy practices go hand in hand. Together, we can lead the way in green computing and make a positive impact on our planet.

Contact us

Power Your AI Future with Sustainable Solar Solutions

The explosive growth of AI and machine learning is driving an unprecedented demand for energy. Meet this challenge head-on with our innovative, DC-coupled solar and battery storage solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of data centers.

Introducing our cutting-edge energy infrastructure:

  • Harness the Sun's Power: Our high-efficiency solar PV systems convert abundant sunlight into clean, renewable energy to power your data center operations.
  • Intelligent Energy Storage: Our DC-coupled battery storage systems seamlessly integrate with solar generation, storing excess energy for use when the sun isn't shining. This ensures continuous power availability and optimizes your energy utilization.
  • Optimized for Data Centers: Our solutions are specifically engineered to meet the demanding requirements of data centers, providing the reliability, scalability, and efficiency you need to support your AI workloads.
  • Adaptive Energy Management: Our intelligent control systems dynamically balance energy generation and consumption, responding in real-time to your data center's energy needs. This maximizes efficiency and minimizes your environmental footprint.

Why choose our solar and battery storage solutions?

  • Slash Energy Costs: Reduce your reliance on expensive grid power and enjoy significant savings on your energy bills.
  • Enhance Sustainability: Demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility by powering your data center with clean, renewable energy.
  • Ensure Reliable Power: Our integrated solar and battery systems provide a robust and resilient energy infrastructure that minimizes downtime and protects your valuable data.
  • Scale with Confidence: Our modular design allows for easy expansion as your energy needs grow, ensuring your energy infrastructure can keep pace with your AI ambitions.

Empowering the Future of AI with Sustainable Energy

We understand the critical role energy plays in the AI revolution. Let us help you build a sustainable energy foundation that supports your AI initiatives today and into the future.

Contact us to discover how our solar and battery storage solutions can transform your data center's energy landscape.


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