
Power Revolution: Pioneering the Future with Autonomous, Distributed, and Flexibly Grid-Connected Sources

In recent years, our lives are on the brink of significant change due to the widespread adoption of distributed renewable energy sources like solar power, along with the proliferation of large-capacity Li-ion batteries. The cost of solar has already become the cheapest among all methods of power generation. Due to the ease of installation coupled with this cost-effectiveness, solar is expected to be a most popular distributed power source everywhere. However, due to the inherent nature of solar, which limits its generation to certain hours and weather, the combination with storage batteries becomes crucial. Due to the drastic shift of vehicles from conventional ICEVs to BEVs in many countries around the world, it is almost promising that the age large capacity batteries everywhere is coming. This change will push us to change our power source from traditional large centralized power plants using a wide area distribution line which we have used it from the end of the 19th century to the distributed system consists of a bunch of small decentralized facilities.

In this context, we I-S3 proposes a new concept of future energy under the catchphrase consists of three following key words "Autonomous, Distributed, and Flexibly Grid-Connected Sources".

"Energy Revolution with Autonomous, Distributed and Flexibly Grid-Connected Sources"

Autonomous operation The operation of each demand site and energy facilities are conducted independently without central management. Distributed installation Decentralized installation of these facilities at each demand site. Loosely Grid Connected system The ability to connect to and disconnect from the power grid as required as to minimize the dependence on the distribution grid.

With our new concept, the sense of "stable power supply", which had been crucial in the traditional power supply system will be less important. At the same time the new sense of "stable power use" will be more important. Because it is obvious that we don't really care the power is supplied stably or not, if we still can use the power stably. Perhaps, this represents the biggest paradigm shift in about 130 years since the inception of power supply.

The Importance of Autonomous Energy Systems

What is an "autonomous" system?

An autonomous system we imagine is that each home or business place at the end of the power grid as a unit of electricity usage and generation, where each unit autonomously controls its operation based on the power demand and surplus information obtained through sensors and the internet. Typically, it operated automatically and capable of disconnecting from or reconnecting from the grid and supply excess electricity to the neighbors or the grid. Our envisioned system essentially operates as a standalone unit at very small scales like individual homes, with low grid dependency and flexible disconnection and reconnection capabilities.

Differences from Existing Centralized Systems

I believe the conventional power supply networks dating back to the end of the 19th century will not disappear so quickly, and their use will remain viable. However, as we enter the era of distributed power sources, significant investments in maintaining and modernizing these systems are expected to become increasingly difficult. Therefore, we propose to focus on upgrading each endpoint rather than upgrading the entire large-scale system, thereby transforming society from the endpoints.

In our autonomous system, since there is no central power supply nor information management, systems can be freely designed for each project. This enables us to develop the proper technology rather quickly with real-life feedback, obtaining optimal system insights in a very short period. This is in stark contrast to the traditional systems, which require significant investment and societal consensus for installation and upgrades, taking much time. With the rapid pace of today's world, upgrades to conventional systems may become obsolete or inadequate by the time they are implemented.

How does Autonomy Impact Energy Security?

Autonomy combined with decentralization will significantly improve the security of energy supply. This is not only because of the physical location of the generation and transmission facilities, but also due to the configuration of the system basically like a standalone system its information management and system control is less susceptible to widespread disasters. Additionally, as each system operates independently, risks like bugs or information security threats are less likely to spread, making the nationwide system extremely robust.

The Necessity of Flexible Grid Connection

Our goal is essentially to use large-capacity batteries in off-grid systems. However, considering the realistic supply of large-capacity batteries and the strategy for system popularization, it is necessary to utilize the existing power supply for smooth promotion. Especially, large capitalists, including countries and major power companies, are aiming to upgrade society with much larger systems than our target, such as smart grids (large-scale) and microgrids (small to medium-scale). While I believe these attempts will fail, the existing grid is expected to be somewhat updated and managed in the process, so it is wise to use it as far as it is avalable.

Steps for Realization

The concept described here may significantly alters the traditional way of energy supply, leading radical transformation of our lives and social structures. To achieve this, the first step is to install numerous solar power facilities for self-consumption and surplus power sales, thus increasing the basis for distributed power sources. Subsequently, in line with the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs), we propose effectively utilizing the electricity generated for EV charging. The next phase involves the introduction of large-capacity batteries by adopting a DC-coupling system for the power supply at each demand site, we can increase the total amount of effectively extractable power from solar generation and avoid unnecessary losses from DC to AC conversion. Therefore, it becomes crucial to switch from the traditional AC-coupled system to a DC-coupled system for integrating solar power facilities, batteries, and loads at the right time. If we can extend the DC-coupling approach to household loads, new benefits emerge, such as proposing a smarter global-standard interface for home appliances and other domestic electrical devices, replacing traditional AC outlet plugs.

If you are going to hear more about it, Please feel free to contact us.

エネルギー革命:自律・分散配置・柔軟なグリッド連系で描く未来のエネルギー (コンセプト)


正直に言うと、私は新しいビジネスモデルや未来の世界についてのお話をしているつもりのことが多いのですが、どういう訳か、私が技術的な細かい話しをしていると誤解する人が多いようです。これは本当に謎で理由を真剣に追求したいです。 私は基本的に物理学の分野で教育を受けたため、実験で新しい事実や真理に気が付けることや、定量的に可能性や確率を議論することは好きです。 ただ、私は別に細かいことにこだわるわけでも、エンジニアっぽいことが好きなわけではまったくありません。寧ろ忌み嫌っているし、エンジニアという人種がそもそも好きではありません。

また、個人的にはエンジニアリングの取り組み自体は単にコストに過ぎず、できることならば、そんな取り組みは極限まで少なくするべきだと考えています。 必要な場合のみに最低限の優れたソリューションが必要という訳です。 個人的には、シンプルさを追求するためには整理するためのトライアルの数も最低限であるべきと考えています。 全体像についてゼロから話しをしましょう。 巨大なインフラを変える最適化するのではなく、末端のブロックをこっそり置き換えることで、世界をこっそりと全く別なものに変えるストーリーをお話します。 



その様な状況のなかで弊社株式会社I-S3では、以下の三要素を中心に「エネルギー革命:自律・分散配置・柔軟なグリッド連系で描く未来のエネルギー 」というキャッチフレーズで新しい時代のエネルギーの提案をしていきます。

  • 自律
  • 分散
  • 系統疎結合











私達が目指している方向は基本的には大容量蓄電池を用いたオフグリッドシステムです。しかし、現実的な大容量電池の供給やシステムの普及戦略を考えると、既存の電力供給が期待できる間はそれを用いるという前提で、円滑な普及を目指す必要があります。 特に、国や大手電力会社を始めとする大資本の方々はスマートグリッド(大規模)やマイクログリッド(中小規模)という私達が想定するスケールよりも何桁も大きいシステムを念頭に社会のアップグレードを目指しています。私はそれらの試みは尽く失敗に終わるとは思いますが、全体的な状況として、それらの試みのなかで既存のグリッドもある程度は更新管理される見込みがあるので、その間は利用させて貰うのが得策でしょう。


  • ここで述べたコンセプトは従来のエネルギー供給の概念を大きく変えるもの私達の生活や社会構造を激変させるものです。それを実現する為には、先ずは、自家消費や余剰電力売電などの目的の太陽光発電設備を多く設置し分散電源の拠点を増やすことが大切です。その後、EVの普及などに合わせてEV充電などに発電した電気を有効利用する提案を行います。その後大容量蓄電池を導入して行く訳ですが、その際に各需要場所の電力供給の仕組みをDC-coupling方式にすれば有効に取り出せる太陽光発電由来の電力の総量が多くなることや、不要なDCAC変換のロスも避けられるなどのメリットがあるため、適切なタイミングで太陽光発電設備と蓄電池や負荷を統合するシステムを従来のAC-coupling方式からDC-coupling方式のシステムに置き換えることも重要です。DC-coupling方式を住宅内の負荷まで拡張できれば、家電を始めとした生活家電のインターフェースも従来のACコンセントプラグに替わるよりスマートなものを全世界共通で提案できるなどの新しいメリットも見えて来ます。